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Fall 2024 Biology Department Colloquium Series

Most Mondays
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Darwin Hall 103

Upcoming Speakers

Dr. Durrell Kapan
Regenerating Nature: Reweaving the Web of Life One Species at a Time — The Extinct Xerces Blue Skies Project
Dr. Durell Kapan

Senior Research Fellow, Entomology and Center for Comparative Genomics, California Academy of Sciences

Portrait of Rebecca Nelson
The Effects of Anthropogenic Global Changes on Plant-Pollinator Mutualisms in California Grasslands
Rebecca Nelson, Ph.D. Candidate

Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis

Dr. Tessa Hill
At Every Depth: Stories From Our Changing Ocean
Dr. Tessa Hill

Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, UC Davis

Fall 2024 Colloquium

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Durell Kapan Senior Research Fellow, Entomology and Center for Comparative Genomics, California Academy of Sciences Regenerating Nature: Reweaving the Web of Life One Species at a Time — The Extinct Xerces Blue Skies Project
Rebecca Nelson, Ph.D. Candidate Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis The Effects of Anthropogenic Global Changes on Plant-Pollinator Mutualisms in California Grasslands
Dr. Tessa Hill Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, UC Davis At Every Depth: Stories From Our Changing Ocean
Michael Thiele Apis Arborea Naturalized Honey Bees in the Americas: A 7-year Research Project at the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
Shelby Hotz Sonoma State University Biology Graduate Program Effects of Thermal History and Biogeographic Location on the Heat Shock Response of Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana)
Sahrye Cohen Environmental Protection Agency Title TBA
Dr. Angelica Patterson Curator of Education and Outreach, Miller Worley Center for the Environment Seeing the Forest for the Trees: How Northeastern Temperate Trees Are Responding to a Changing Climate
Campus Closed November 11, 2024 - Veterans Day
Dr. Abby Buchwalter Cool Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco Title TBA
Jack Hines SoundScape Ecologist and Science Communicator with Ear to the Wild, and GIS Specialist, Sonoma Ecology Center Title TBA
Dr. Benjamin Blonder Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley Why Do Plants Use Water?

Past Colloquium Speakers

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Durell Kapan Senior Research Fellow, Entomology and Center for Comparative Genomics, California Academy of Sciences Regenerating Nature: Reweaving the Web of Life One Species at a Time — The Extinct Xerces Blue Skies Project
Dr. Mitsunori Nomura Buck Institute Ketone Metabolism in Brain Aging
Campus Closed September 2, 2024 - Labor Day
Gabriel Quintero Plancarte, M.S. Sonoma State University Biology Graduate Program Live Imaging Analysis of Chromosome Movement Along a Centrosome, and Apical-Basal Axis During Metaphase to G1 Interphase
Dr. Lorraine Ling Stanford University Aiptasia: A Model for Cnidarian-algal Symbiosis, Sheds Light on Coral Bleaching
Dr. Chris Lowe Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University Molecular Evidence of Anteroposterior Patterning in Adult Echinoderms or, Are Sea Stars All Head With No Body?
Dr. Andrew DeVogelaere Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: The Research program in General and Specifics Related to Deep-Sea Science
Dr. Barbara Panning University of California, San Francisco Counting X Chromosomes
Dr. Arina Favilla University of California, Santa Cruz Movement Ecophysiology of Northern Elephant Seals: From Fine-Scale Thermoregulation to Population-Level Foraging Behavior
Cesar Chavez Day Cesar Chavez Day
Dr. Takashi Mikawa Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California San Francisco The Fidelity or Mechanism of Chromosome Encapsulation into a Single Nucleus
Enjoy! Spring Break!
Dr. Lisa Hua Department of Biology, Sonoma State University Student-driven research in the Hua Lab: Understanding Chromosome Organization and its Implications in Human Disease
Jeff Alvarez and Jeff Wilcox The Wildlife Project and Sonoma Mountain Preservation Foundation Conservation & Ecology of the Red-legged Frog
Dr. Hiroshi Ebata The Buck Institute Understanding Aging: The Importance of Taking out the Trash
Dr. Kenny Wilson The Buck Institute The Influence of Diet on Age-Related Neurodegeneration, from Flies to Humans
Arthur Dawson Baseline Consulting Vegetation Change in Fire-Prone Landscapes of Sonoma, Napa and Lake Counties. Baseline Consulting & Pepperwood Preserve
Dr. Monica Sheffer University of California, Berkeley Montane Grasshopper Fitness Constraints in Changing Environments
Dr. Joshua G. Smith Monterey Bay Aquarium Coastal Ecosystem Transition Dynamics: Insights from Ecological Change
Dr. Joseph Lin, Professor & Colloquium Coordinator Department of Biology, Sonoma State University Introduction to Spring 2024 Biology Colloquium